Shipping Analysis and RFP
for Global Law Firm

Current State

This client, a global law firm with 18 international office locations, was using multiple shipping and transportation vendors, resulting in inconsistent service and delivery levels. There were no contractual terms and conditions to hold vendors accountable.

The client was in need of a shipping solution to support domestic and international shipping requirements while leveraging firm-wide spending. This would require the incorporation of technology that tracks, rate shops and bills back shipping charges. 


CMS performed a benchmarking audit of the domestic and international shipping behaviors to identify the cost expenditures and future client requirements.

Creation of Solution

We normalized the shipping and transportation information from the audit into categories to determine which vendor could maximize productivity and operational efficiencies.


Our client signed a global agreement with primary and secondary shipping and transportation vendors that resulted in a 37% cost reduction, a 22% increase in billable costs and an annual savings of  $675,000.

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